Department of Business Administration, Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University, 400045, China.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The Internet is one of the principal things driving innovative turns of events. It gives simple openness to the items. These sort of advancements drove organizations to utilize the Internet seriously in promoting. Along these lines, web based promoting has begun to create and get one of the immediate showcasing methods. Internet advertising furnishes the two organizations and clients with a lot of effortlessness. Organizations present clients with items, administrations and data in not conventional route because of web based showcasing. In addition, clients have had the benefit of following the turns of events and changes, likewise the admittance to the items and administrations without any problem. Other than the force of data access of the Internet, business organization and conveyance have gave off an impression of being productive. In such manner, internet showcasing have been viewed as one of the devices of current advertising regarding arriving at clients.
Keywords: Host preference, The internet, diamondback moth (DBM), online shopping, Plutella xylostella, e-marketing, growth and development, Bangladesh, marketing tools
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