Persada Bunda College of Economic Sciences, Indonesia.
Sahid University Post-Doctoral Student of Communication Sciences, Jakarta, Indonesia. and Persada Bunda College of Social and Political Sciences, Communication Study Program, Indonesia.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
With the emergence of social cybernetics as the effectiveness of social policies in information management that can provide public services in the field of information. Feminism theory links social reality with patterns of social cognition, a theory of human communication in interpersonal communication that is formed by relationships with social reality. The relationship associated with the problem of human dialectical behavior by obtaining existing information in a narrow and broad sense as if without distance and time, changes social cybernetics as social management which they acquire in a new information system that can make it easier for them to obtain information around the world and even the social environment of society practically. The idea of conceptualizing digital information has become an important communicator and message in communication research but it remains less theorizing about "conversational relationships. This article is a theoretical critique that hypothesizes the field of cybernetics about how the field of information transmission in certain systems of personal communication, mass media communication, is socially responsible for society with digital information systems and social science philosophies that influence one another. The information system model that appears in social cybernetics in the field of social science is suitable for studying the study of relevant sources as the delivery of information messages that support, strengthen, neutralize the pattern of human social life as the realm of human information systems, and support patterns of human interaction with social creatures that require the system. Human information has a pattern of individual knowledge and experience to elevate the cultural traditions of humans themselves.
Keywords: Social cybernetics, feminist models and theories, social cognition, group language perspectives, critical discussion, and human information theory.
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