Examining the Impact of Various Postures on Natural Variations in Signatures: A Systematic Investigation
Vaishnavi Thakre *
Department of Forensic Science, JECRC University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
Deeya Kumawat
Department of Forensic Science, JECRC University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The present study aims to examine the impact of various postures on natural variations in signatures and for the same, 640 signature samples were collected from 80 individuals (32 male and 48 female) of Jaipur city of Rajasthan, India. All the 80 participants (from age 20 – 77 years) of the study were asked to sign in 8 different postures such as keeping the paper on hand, on wall, standing, in bending posture, etc. in a pre-designed sheet having 8 columns as per posture. Both individual as well as class characteristics were analysed in all the signature samples including rhythm, pen pressure, slant, placings of dot on letters, size, spacing and dimensions, etc.
The study showed that the natural writing is characterized by variation in form, size, proportion, slant, and character combinations within specified boundaries. No two writing samples are identical in every way, and these variations were observed after analysis of all the samples. The study concludes that the basic nature of signature remains unchanged, but the dimension and presence of tremors are the two major factors that are dependent on posture and support. Thus, it may be said that there are no as such variations in parameters such as rhythm, style of writing, placing of dot, connective strokes and formation of loop, however signatures show significant variation in pen pressure and diameter with respect to variable postures.
Keywords: Signature examination, natural variations, questioned document, individual identification, postures, etc
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