Published: 2020-11-10

Page: 445-452


Arbaminch University College of Social Science and Humanities, Arbaminch, Ethiopia.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The objective of this study was to assess the current status of the newly revised television program instruction (TVPI) and highlight the attitudes of teachers and factors affecting its practical implementation in Arbaminch town secondary and preparatory School Gamo zone Ethiopia. To accomplish the objective, the study employed a descriptive-survey research design. There were 24 teachers who took part in the survey, which account 20% of total sample frame, using simple random sampling techniques (Lottery system).While, the nonprobability sampling, i.e. purposive sampling technique was used to select both the town and Schools. The study used a self-structured questionnaire (for quantitative) and a semi-structured guide questions (for qualitative) to collect the necessary data regarding the issue. The analysis of the quantitative data was carried out by using percentages, triangulated with the data with interview. The study found out that, the strengths of the newly revised television program are highly supported by the teachers and school administration to perform their roles while shortage of new television programs are extremely affecting television program instruction among many factors in the study area. From the results of the finding, it is possible to conclude that, implementation of television program instruction for instruction in the study area is moderate. Thus, based on the findings of the study, it is recommended that, the concerned body need to provide material and technical support to both teachers and principals in order to improve status of PTVP implementation in the study area.

Keywords: Challenge, instruction, plasma television, practices, utilization.

How to Cite

TADESSE, L. (2020). CURRENT PRACTICE & CHALLENGE OF REVISED TELEVISION PROGRAM INSTRUCTION. Asian Journal of Advances in Research, 3(1), 445–452. Retrieved from


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