Published: 2020-09-29

Page: 379-389


Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Pawe Agricultural Research Center, Livestock Research Process, Apiculture Research Program, P.O.Box, 25 Pawe, Ethiopia.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Bee colony ought to be often monitored via beekeepers to limit pest and predator issues and increase bee colony productivity. Mostly bee colony has monitoring focused on periodic inspections by beekeepers, which should be impractical and cost expensive. The objective of this review was to highlight quite several smart apiculture management structures in the beekeeping practice. Precision beekeeping or remote hive monitors will allow you to monitor the status of your honey bee colonies and apiaries from any internet-enabled system such as a smart phone, tablet. Currently, there is different intelligent beekeeping supervision systems had been on hand in the world. Some of the units are a wireless node and cloud database server, local data server, supervisory control, and data acquisition system, GIS for bee management, photography, and infrared imaging of apiary and relative humidity sensor. These technologies are used for measuring parameters like everyday exercise of honeybee colony, flaying target detection, remote hive health monitoring, bee traffic monitoring using monitoring bee flight and temperature of the hive. Generally, the use of precision apiculture allows us to show the beehives for many feasible reasons, such as research, records about the daily management of bees by way of beekeepers, and to gain knowledge of how to minimize the time assigned to duties without reducing production. As a result, to practice this technology supplying focus for expertise and beekeepers and additionally, governmental and non-governmental companies ought to be advertising the use of precision apiculture technologies.

Keywords: Semnopithecus entellus, Smart, langurs, beekeeping, Jodhpur habitat, management, quality, hive, play, monitoring, precision apiculture

How to Cite

ABU, E. S. (2020). THE USE OF SMART APICULTURE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: REVIEW PAPER. Asian Journal of Advances in Research, 3(1), 379–389. Retrieved from


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