Retrospective Study on Prevalence of Diarrheal Disease among Children Under Five Years Visiting in Hossana Nigist Elleni Mohammed Memorial Comprehensive Specialized Hospital from September 2020-August 2022, Hossana, Central, Ethiopia
Denebo Sebaro Wanore *
Department of Biology, College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Wachemo University, P.O. Box.667, Hossana, Ethiopia.
Sadu Yasin Abdirkadir
Department of Horticulture, College of Agricultural Sciences, Wachemo University, P.O. Box.667, Hossana, Ethiopia.
Kebede Beyene Anito
Department of Animal Sciences, College of Agricultural Sciences, Wachemo University, P.O. Box.667, Hossana, Ethiopia.
Abriham Tesfaye Masebo
Department of Chemistry, College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Wachemo University, P.O. Box.667, Hossana, Ethiopia.
Aregash Abera Kelbiso
Department of Natural Resource Management, College of Agricultural Sciences, Wachemo University, P.O. Box.667, Hossana, Ethiopia.
Mekonin Antuye Bachore
Department of Biotechnology, College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Wachemo University, P.O. Box.667, Hossana, Ethiopia.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Diarrhea is a disease having loose or watery stools at least three times per days or more than three per day from different types of acute diarrhea cases can lead significant fluid loose dehydration which is causes of death. It is one of the major leading causes of under-five morbidity, mortality and under nutrition in developing countries. In Ethiopia diarrhea is the most killer of children and serious public health problems. The main objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of diarrheal disease among less than five year. The study specifically aimed to determine the prevalence of diarrheal disease among less than five year’s children, to estimate the prevalence of diarrheal disease among child patient who visited Hossana Nigist Elleni Mohammed memorial Comprehensive Specialized Hospital during the last three years (2020-2022) and to give educational awareness for the maternal of affect area and prevention control. The method used in this study was retrospective study. Under this study male and female children were classified by sex and year of the study from 2020-2022 respectively. In this study data on diarrheal disease infected children were collected from Health Management Information Service office in Hossana Nigist Elleni Mohamed memorial Comprehensive Specialized Hospital. This estimated 288 of the case among children under-five years of age in Hossana Nigist Elleni Mohamed memorial Comprehensive Specialized Hospital. As assessed the prevalence of diarrhea disease among under five years children in Hossana Nigist Elleni Mohammed memorial Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, diarrheal prevalence variable from season to season because of water pollution by different microorganism. Prevalence of diarrheal disease within three years least/less 601 (21%) of patient of diarrhea were recorded in 2020, highest case number in 2021 case which involved 1237 (43%) and with 1029 (36%) cased in 2022 respectively were recorded. This disease can also estimate by the sex ration, most of the time males could be affected by diarrheal disease. Because most of the time males have susceptible immune system as the study indicated. Further study on immune system of both sexes could be suggested.
Keywords: Peritrophic membrane, Children, epithelium, diarrhea, gut content, mortality, prevalence, retrospective
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