Department of Agricultural Economics, Injibara University, Injibara, Ethiopia.
Department of Agricultural Economics, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.
Department of Agricultural Economics, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Maize supply to the market enhances the economic growth of many smallholder farmers in Ethiopia. Despite this, farmers still produce mainly for consumption, and small amounts of maize are supplied to the market due to different factors. Therefore, this study examined the determinants of maize supply to the market in Northwestern Ethiopia. Descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression analysis were employed to analyze determinants of maize supply. The data were collected from 198 randomly selected sample maize farmers using structured questionnaire interviews. The descriptive statistics result revealed that the mean quantity supply of maize to the market was 1,369quintals. The model result showed that education, previous year price, access to market information, land allocated for maize, extension service, credit access, and maize yield were important factors significantly affecting the market supply of maize positively. However, family size and distance to the nearest market affected the market supply of maize negatively. Therefore, the study recommends the need to strengthen and promote maize yield (by using improved technology and best agronomic practice), market-oriented extension delivery (through farmers’ training), improve market access (through expanding market facilities), and market infrastructure (through road construction) to improve maize supply to the market.
Keywords: Maize, market supply, multiple linear regression analysis, Alefa
How to Cite
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