Exploring the Role of Antioxidant Enzyme Activities in Reducing Oxidative Stress in the Earthworm Pheretima posthuma Exposed to Heavy Metal Contaminated Soil
S. S. Jadhav *
Department of Zoology, Amolak Science College, Kada, Tq. Ashti, Dist. Beed, 414202, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The present study of 96 hrs was carried out to analyze the toxic effects of heavy metal lead nitrate (1.69 and 1.27 ppm) on anti-oxidative enzymes viz. Superoxide Dismutase, Catalase and Glutathione-S-transferase in Pheretima posthuma. The worms for this observation were exposed to different concentrations of heavy meals viz. The lower and higher concentration calculated 1.69 and 1.27 ppm dry soil for lead nitrate for 5 days of exposure. A dose and time dependent increase in activities of these enzymes was observed. Lead nitrate was found to be more toxic at its highest concentration.
Keywords: Phytoplankton abundance, Anti-oxidative enzymes, Nanak Sagar Dam,, super-oxide dismutase, Uttarakhand, catalase, glutathione-S-transferase, Pheretima posthuma
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