Effect of Endo-xylanase on Dough Properties and Bran Bread Quality
Samaher Sakkour *
Department of Food Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Tichreen University, Lattakia, Syria.
Ramez Mohammad
Department of Food Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Tichreen University, Lattakia, Syria.
Sheiam Sulaeman
Department of Food Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Tichreen University, Lattakia, Syria.
Nesrin Naksho
NCBT, Damascus, Syria.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The rheological properties of dough are determined during mixing, extension, and warming and are closely related to the quality of the flour. However, when dietary fibre content is increased, the properties alter because this weakens the proteins and degrades the gluten net. The equipment which is used in determining the rheological qualities is those of Alveograph and Mixolab. The composition of enzymes is a real substitute for chemicals to enhance the functional characteristics of flours and to produce changes in the dough's structure and bread quality. The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of enzyme (endo-xylanase). on dough properties and bran bread quality made from wheat flour with low amylolytic activity. The results showed that some technological characteristics of dough rheology produced from endo-xylanase improvers can indicate in order to obtain specific features of the bread. The effect of endo-xylanase on hydration. Xylanase incorporation into the dough caused a higher water absorption (MWA), shorter development time (MDT). The bread with enzymes had a higher porosity, aldehyde content and reducing sugar content than the control bread made without enzyme. Bread with enzymewas characterized by tenderer and not crumbly compared to the control. The crusts with enzyme were more brightly colored. Sensory evaluation results showed good overall acceptability scores for the bran bread with xylanase.
Keywords: Temperature, Bran bread quality, survival, dough properties, cercariae, endo-xylanase, enzyme, sensory
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