Department of Sociology, Vinayakrao Patil Mahavidyalaya, Vaijapur, India.
Department of Commerce, Vinayakrao Patil Mahavidyalaya, Vaijapur, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Drought conditions have often hit the agricultural sector due to inconsistencies in rainfall. Hundreds of villages in Marathwada, Central Maharashtra and Vidarbha have been facing drought for the last several years. The Government of Maharashtra announced an ambitious scheme called "Jalayukta Shivar Abhiyan" in 2014 with the objective to increase the water availability at the local level and making drought free Maharashtra in year 2019 through soil and water conservation. The present scheme has been implemented in Vaijapur tehsil. The purpose of the study is to find out the impact of JSA on the irrigation capacity and ground water level as well as in drought eradication. The data has been collected from 70 respondents through survey questionnaires. The result shows, 100% respondents agreed that the JSA is useful to overcome on drought. 97.9% respondents agreed that this scheme has solved the problem of drinking water. 85.4% respondents says that, the scheme has benefited for both (rabi and kharif) seasons. 91.42% respondents said this scheme has increased the irrigated land. 82.85% Â respondents agreed that the annual income of the farmers has increased. 82.85% respondents said expenditure on water supply through tanker has decreased. 75.71% respondents shared that JSA has helped to the stop migration for employment. 75.71% respondents agreed that the campaign has increased the use of toilets in the villages. The study concluded that due to JSA the water storage capacity, ground water level, agricultural productivity, farmers' annual income and use of toilets, has been increased as well as, the migration of labour and cost of water supply has decreased in that villages. The study suggest that, for the all-round, development of the villages, it is not only important to increase water storage capacity and water conservation works, but also tree plantation, animal husbandry, water management, ban on felling tree and grazing etc. are necessary.
Keywords: Water management, agricultural production, drought severity, migration, employment
How to Cite
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