University of Sunderland, United Kingdom.
University Utara Malaysia, Malaysia.
Saint James School of Medicine, USA.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Educators are under increasing pressure to incorporate new kinds of pedagogy while also changing their teaching methods. In the literature, there is a strong debate about whether CPD should be handled by the organisation or by the individual. When thought is applied to CPD, it can appear complex, resulting in educators not partaking in CPD. Teachers report that CPD can be organised in a variety of ways, but determining the best suited model is difficult. Kennedy (2005) suggests nine categories for categorising CPD. These categories describe possible knowledge acquisition locations and discuss how they could be adopted and investigated. The following review will critique Kennedy's models of CPD and its appropriateness for TEL.
Keywords: Professional development, education, TEL, transformative
How to Cite
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