Department of Educational Foundations, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambrastate, Nigeria.
Department of Educational Foundations, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambrastate, Nigeria.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The study investigated perceived influence of deviant behavior on the academic performance of students among senior secondary schools in Awka South Local Government Area of Anambra State. The study adopted descriptive survey research design and was guided by four (4) research questions. The population of the study comprised 12,813 secondary school students in 26 public and private approved schools in Awka South Local Government Area of Anambra State. Sample size of 200 was used for the study. Multi-stage sampling procedure was used. The instrument used for data collection was a structured questionnaire titled PIDBAPQ with 4 points Likert scale. The reliability index was obtained using test re-test method and scores collected were subjected to Pearson product moment correlation and a value of 0.75 was obtained, showing that the instrument is reliable. The results reveal that secondary school students perceive that there are deviant behaviors exhibited by students of senior secondary schools in Awka South Local Government Area, students perceive that there are many causes of deviant behavior among senior secondary schools, students perceive that deviant behaviors have effects on the academic performance of students among senior secondary schools, students perceive that there are different strategies for managing deviant behaviors in order to improve students’ academic performance among senior secondary schools. Recommendations made included; Principals and teachers should device appropriate punitive measures in controlling deviant behaviour in schools, teachers are urged to also seriously consider some form of interactionist approaches like guidance and counseling when dealing with cases of students’ misbehavior. Principals should also ensure that they regularly admonish students during morning assembly on good conduct as school authorities should occasionally invite moral transformation agents to school to give talks to students on good moral behaviour.
Keywords: Schizothorax, Deviant behaviour, Snow trout, academic performance, length-weight, student’s progress, river, Uttarakhand
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