Laser Applications in Dentistry, University of Barcelona, Spain.
Analysis and Design in Clinical Investigation, University of Barcelona, Spain.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Aims: Describe the use of the diode laser in the treatment of recurrent herpes labialis (RHL) to alleviate the symptoms, accelerate healing and delays recurrences.
Presentation of Case: A female patient with a history of 3-4 episodes of RHL per year for the last 5 years was treated with a 940 nm diode laser. Two applications were done during 60 seconds covering the whole area. The Pain was significantly reduced with a complete healing after 7 days and no recurrences have been seen up to now.
Discussion: Photobiomodulation has been proposed as a good alternative for this lesion despite the heterogeneity in the application protocols and parameters among the literature and its effects over the recurrent herpes labialis have been proved.
Conclusion: The use of photobiomodulation can prevent recurrent relapses in this pathology and improve the quality of life of the patients.
Keywords: Diode laser treatment, herpes labialis, photobiomodulation
How to Cite
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