Published: 2022-03-03

Page: 468-478


Department of Zoology, Shivaji Mahavidyalaya Udgir. Dist. Latur, Maharashtra, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Tiru reservoir is 22 km away from town Udgir on the northwest side near village Adolwadi. Tiru reservoir is an earthen Dam of an area having a 690 ha water submergence area constructed on river Tiru in 1976, a tributary of Lendi river which empties in Godavari river situated in the southwest part of India and southeast of Maharashtra for irrigation and drinking purpose. Considering the significance of this reservoir for this region, it is important to study its water quality of it. From December 2020 to November 2021 seasonal variation in physicochemical parameters of the Tiru reservoir were investigated. During the present investigation, seasonal variation in physicochemical parameters recorded such as Temperature was found 22.50℃ to 31.5℃ with mean of 27.18℃, Transparency 38 to 90.50 cm with a mean of 72.62cm,  pH 7.5 to 8.8 cm with a mean 8.41,Dissolved Oxygen 2.6 to 6.6mg/l with mean 4.01 mg/l, Free CO2 is Nil to 0.6mg/l with mean Free CO2 0.33mg/l, Total Alkalinity is 128 to 228 mg/l with mean 181.33mg/l, Total Hardness 172 to 240 mg/L with mean 193.83 mg/l, Calcium hardness 54.60 to 88.20mg/l with mean 73.67mg/l, Magnesium hardness 21.47 to 37.04mg/l with mean 29.31mg/l, calcium 21.88 to 35.35mg/l with mean 29.54mg/l, Chlorides 28.36 to 43.95mg/l with mean 38.92mg/l, Salinity 51.22 to 79.37 mg/L with mean 69.55mg/land TDS 270 to 370mg/l with mean 347.50mg/l were analyzed and recorded.

Keywords: Tiru reservoir, physico-chemical parameters, water parameters, seasonal variation in physico-chemical parameters

How to Cite

NITURE, S. D. (2022). SEASONAL PHYSICO-CHEMICAL VARIATIONS OF TIRU RESERVOIR FROM UDGIR REGION DIST. LATUR (M.S) INDIA. Asian Journal of Advances in Research, 5(1), 468–478. Retrieved from


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