Department of Economics, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Facilities Internet banking is a result of using of information technology in the field of banking towards a cashless technological environment. Due to the researches about internet banking in Sri Lanka, we can identify only a smaller number of people are involved with this internet banking system. Therefore, this research intends to identify the empirical evidence for factors affecting internet banking in Sri Lanka. This article presents a review of empirical studies that have been conducted to identify factors affecting online banking in Sri Lanka. The review revealed that the majority of existing studies were recognized perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived benefits are affecting to encourage the usage of online banking in Sri Lanka while perceived risk, attitudinal factors, and demographic factors (gender, age, occupation, level of education) that negatively influence towards the use of the internet banking in Sri Lanka.
Keywords: Internet banking, attitude factors, financial literacy, perceived risk, perceived usefulness
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