Published: 2022-02-15

Page: 274-281


Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), Fogera National Rice Research and Training Centre, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.


Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), Fogera National Rice Research and Training Centre, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.


Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), Fogera National Rice Research and Training Centre, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


A review of recent studies on irrigation water potential and irrigated land in Ethiopia was conducted from the historical point of view up to the present and the future. This review discusses Ethiopian current irrigation potential, water resources and irrigated land current and its contributions to the national economy, challenges and opportunities, and future development perspectives. Ethiopia is noted for having abundant surface and groundwater resources, earning it the nickname "the water tower of East Africa." A large number of lakes, dams, and reservoirs may also be found in Ethiopia's varied regions. Despite significant investment, public engagement, and government strategic support, irrigated agriculture is far from reasonable. Compared to Ethiopia's irrigation potential, the country's current irrigation development is insignificant. As a result, irrigation not play a key role in reducing food insecurity and thereby poverty. When analyzing Ethiopian irrigation, different kinds of literature reflect varying amounts of irrigation water resources as irrigation potentials, current irrigated area, and so on. As a result, there is no systematic and trustworthy inventory of water and irrigation-related potentials in Ethiopia that has been well-studied and documented. Compared to Ethiopia's irrigation potential, the country's current irrigation development is insignificant. Furthermore, even if the present and the potential irrigated area is not well explored. The data and information needed to fully understand the present irrigation schemes are not uniformly available. While data for medium and large schemes can be accurately captured, accounting for small-scale irrigation development, particularly traditional irrigation development and privately developed household-based irrigation schemes that use traditional diversions, water harvesting, and groundwater development is difficult. Different sources report different amounts of irrigation water resources as irrigation potentials, current irrigated area, and so on. This means that Ethiopia's irrigation water resource potential has not been thoroughly researched or documented. As a result, a thorough investigation is required to reach a consensus among researchers. When it comes to irrigation in Ethiopia, different kinds of literature state differing amounts of irrigation water resources as irrigation potentials, as well as the current irrigated area. This means that Ethiopia's irrigation water resource potential has not been thoroughly researched or documented. This requires a thorough investigation that leads to a consensus among researchers. No regular and dependable inventory has been thoroughly researched or documented. Furthermore, even if the existing or potentially irrigated area is not precisely explored.

Keywords: Irrigation potential, water resource, irrigation, irrigated land

How to Cite

MEKONEN, B. M., BEKELE GELAGLE, D., & FENTAHUN MOGES, M. (2022). THE CURRENT IRRIGATION POTENTIAL AND IRRIGATED LAND IN ETHIOPIA: A REVIEW. Asian Journal of Advances in Research, 5(1), 274–281. Retrieved from


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