Published: 2022-02-11

Page: 234-248


Department of Economics, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.


Department of Economics, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The rapid growth of using technology by phones has led the banks to obtain their goals and has added a different aspect to banks. Consequently, at present mobile banking plays a significant role in providing banking services and its immense contribution to the development of the nations by simulating better financial services. This study intends to analyze customer satisfaction with the usage of mobile banking in Sri Lanka. Primary data were gathered using 100 customers in commercial banks and secondary data were collected from relevant articles, books, annual reports, and other relevant documents. Collected data were analyzed by descriptive research methods and hypothesis tests using SPSS software. The findings revealed that there are positive relationship between reliability, responsiveness, ease of use, security, accessibility, and privacy of mobile banking and customer satisfaction.

Keywords: Ants, Mobile banking, diversity, financial sector, crop protection, banks, Kolhapur, e banking, India, reliability, scopic, responsiveness, privacy

How to Cite

FERNANDO, K. D. A., & KUMARI, J. A. P. (2022). CUSTOMER SATISFACTION ON USAGE OF MOBILE BANKING SERVICES IN SRI LANKA. Asian Journal of Advances in Research, 5(1), 234–248. Retrieved from


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