Org. Dev., Nelcast Ltd., India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Life is a cycle, what goes up, comes back. This is much experienced by this generation of students in their early part of life, preparing them for a flexible adaptation for the evolving future. This paper aims to review research publications in educational and industrial settings that envisage making the students and teachers to benefit from the effort yielded knowledge and skills through online learning. Online learning, also known as e-learning has propped up the evolution of virtual universities to make educational experiences become customized to the needs of the students as well as for institutions which wanted to come out with new courses that are of demand in the employment market. Many including social groups in Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube join the process of connecting its customer base in knowing and unknowing propagate the learning practices to percolate to even remote areas, and to those who have family commitments or disabilities. Thus, inclusiveness to the diversity of the new student body evolved providing solutions to all the physical and temporal hurdles which prevented the access to Higher Education with the aid of technology. The technology enabled learning potentially enhances the process of learning and naturally does not intend to remove or replace the teacher’s position in the learning cycle. The implications of eLearning are well received by higher educational institutions (HEI) and universities, in the post pandemic. However, the drilling effort in creating more quality and flexibility orientations is on demand. Thus, to meet the ever-growing diversity needs of students' expectations and that demanded by the market in the new industry 4.0 scenario, makes emerging technologies obtain a prominent position in this evolutionary process. Inevitable are the tailoring options to suit various courses to suit varying and differing educational needs and aspirations, which make this type of learning a new sought after teaching and learning process that cannot be excluded from the educational settings in the imminent future.
Keywords: E-learning, learning types, technology driven education, continuous learning, teacher’s employability
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