Published: 2021-10-22

Page: 1134-1142


Department of Political Science, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu University, Igbariam, Nigeria.


Department of Political Science, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu University, Igbariam, Nigeria.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


This paper examined the nexus between cross-border migration and food security in Nigeria and Benin Republic. The study utilized secondary data from the International Organization for Food and Agricultural Organizations, World Bank Indicators, International Organization for Migration, National Bureau of Statistics, to mention but a few. Classical Migration theory was the theoretical framework for the study and the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation coefficient. The study's findings revealed; a weak negative correlation between Cross border migration and food consumption expenditure in Nigeria and the Benin Republic; a positive but weak correlation between cross-border migration and the food production index in Nigeria and Benin republic. The study concluded no significant relationship between cross-border migration and food security in Nigeria and Benin republic. Thus, the study further recommended that both Nigerian and Benin republic governments encourage and provide economic opportunities to the rural populace beyond the farm level; Promote rural-urban fiscal relationships and invest in productive sectors that will generate better economic opportunities.

Keywords: Cross migration, food security, remittances, consumption expenditure, food production index

How to Cite

EZEABASILI, I. E., & NWANOLUE, B. O. G. (2021). THE NEXUS BETWEEN CROSS BORDER MIGRATION AND FOOD SECURITY IN NIGERIA AND BENIN REPUBLIC, 2010-2017. Asian Journal of Advances in Research, 4(1), 1134–1142. Retrieved from


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