Plant Protection Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center, Dokki - Giza, Egypt.
Plant Protection Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center, Dokki - Giza, Egypt.
Plant Protection Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center, Dokki - Giza, Egypt.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The present study was undertaken to investigate the impacts of the two essential oils; Syzygium aromaticum (Clove) and Pinus brutia (Turpentine) against 1-3 days old eggs of pink bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella; the toxicity and the adverse impact of these products on some biological and physical characters were studied under laboratory conditions at 25 ±1 °C and 65±5% R.H.
The obtained results revealed that the eggs of P. gossypiella pest were highly susceptible to Pinus than Syzyginum. The LC50 value were 9.38% ppm when PBW eggs treated with Turpentine oil, while it increased to 11.57% when 1-3 days old eggs of P. gossypiella dipping with Syzyginum. Some biological aspect studies show a prolongation in larval and pupal stages developments resulted from treated 1-3 day old eggs by S. aromaticum and P. brutia.It estimated by 9.0 and 20.0 days/ larvae, respectively for larvae and 9.3 and 10.2 days/ pupae. . The life cycle were significant affected, as it was elongated to 34.1 and 36.9, respectively, compared with 26.2 days in control.
In contrast, in adult stage, the results indicated that the percentage of adult emergence was highly decreased to 56.0 and 61.0% emerged from eggs treated with LC50 of Syzygium and Turpentine, respectively, compared with (94.00%) control, with high reduction in total eggs laid, percentage of hatchability. The average number of eggs deposited by females were 107 and 97 eggs laid at 11.1 and 7.6 days oviposition/ female, resulted from Syzygium and Turpentine, respectively compared with 226.0 eggs/ female in control deposited at 11.6 days.
The physical result indicated that latent adverse effect in biochemical larvae resulted from eggs treated with two essential oil Syzygium and Turpentine. It caused high decreased in total protein to 15.0 and 8.6 (total protein (mg/g.b.wt.), respectively compared with17.0 mg/g.b.wt. /larvae in control, with decreased the Phenoloxidase, to 14.8 and 13.5 (O.D. units/g.b.wt), respectively, compared with 26.0 Phenoloxidase (O.D. units/g.b.wt) in control. In contrast, increased in free-amino acid to 137.3 and 298.0 (µg D, L- alanine/g.b.wt) respectively, compared with 118.0 in control, also, the total lipid increased to 27.9 and 22.0 (mg/g.b.wt.), respectively, compared with16.9 (mg/g.b.wt.) in control.
Keywords: Acute toxicity, P. gossypiella, dimethoate, Syzygium and Pinus brutia, pH, biological and physical, salinity, Puntius ticto
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