Published: 2020-02-21

DOI: 10.56557/ajoair/2019/v2i11471

Page: 18–21


Department of Chemistry, Government Women P. G. College, Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Science achieved medicinal unrest till about the center of twentieth century wherein medications and anti-infection agents were found. The world's sustenance supply likewise expanded massively because of the disclosure of half and half assortments, improved techniques for cultivating, better seeds and utilization of bug sprays, herbicides and manures. The personal satisfaction on earth turned out to be vastly improved because of the disclosure of colors, plastics, beauty care products and different materials. Before long, the evil impacts of science likewise wound up articulated, fundamental among them being the contamination of land, water and environment. This is caused basically because of the impacts of results of compound businesses, which are being released into the air, streams/seas and the land. The utilization of harmful reactants and reagents additionally exacerbate things. The contamination achieved such levels that various governments made laws to limit it. This denoted the start of Green Chemistry by the center of 29th century. Practical Chemistry is an idea which adds to accomplishing various objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDGs). It is based among others on the standards of "green science" and has interfaces with significant points for example asset protection, squander the board, word related security, worker and purchaser wellbeing and nourishment. Supportable science joins environmentally suitable arrangements with financial accomplishment under thought of societal and social requests.

Keywords: Mites, Sustainable chemistry, mushroom, green chemistry, Western Ghat, hybrid varieties, compound businesses.

How to Cite

AZAM, A. (2020). PATH OF GREEN CHEMISTRY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Asian Journal of Advances in Research, 2(1), 18–21.


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