Ethiopian Public Health Institute, Ethiopia.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Introduction: Leishmaniasis is an infectious and disfiguring vector-borne disease caused by protozoan of the genus Leishmania under family Trypanosomatidae but with different subgenus transmitted by infected phlebotomine sand flies. In general, the disease divided into cutaneous leishmaniasis, which attacks the skin and mucous membranes and causes disfigurements, and visceral leishmaniasis (calazar), which attacks internal organs. The narrative review which covers all information about leishmaniasis disease prevention and control is needed to bridge the gap between different interventions being applied. In Ethiopia there are no single approaches to prevent and control Leishmaniasis which is being challenged for disease elimination with single and integrated methods.
Objective: The main objective of this review is to dig out and suggest the best leishmaniasis control approaches for planning future control strategies in Ethiopia.
Methods: Articles (research and review) published on peer-review journals through Google scholar about leishmaniasis distribution and transmission, challenges and control efforts, and future needs were reviewed. Most specifically as one health concept, all related disciplines in Ethiopia and their role in controlling the disease are reviewed and discussed to direct future strategic plans in controlling the leishmaniasis disease.
Conclusion: A single intervention could not achieve the goal of control. One health approach is a holistic view of distinct best control approach with many disciplines of human medicine, veterinary medicine, environmental science, and agriculture and wildlife conservation through the linkage of their responsibilities. One health approach is a new paradigm that began to dominate ideas, clinical practice and epidemiological research on human disease. Entomologist engagement in this approach increases the quality of control through identifying the vector and vector human interaction with possible breeding sites. This will help to develop systemic institutionalized medical education and health care systems to increase the distance between human, vectors and animal reservoir hosts.
Keywords: Leishmaniasis, control approaches, sand fly, Ethiopia
How to Cite
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