Published: 2021-07-26

Page: 722-728


Nelcast Ltd., India.


Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Education has the higher goal of bringing up humanity and with love for fellow beings, hence it is essential and core for every society, as it ensures knowledge and awareness for mastering evolving skills. In the Post COVID scenario the Education has become important because it makes us realize to be more humane and empathizes life and love as common ingredients to live. The fag end of Pre COVID witnessed too many conflicts among nations along with the ever-rising global climatic issues affecting our life’s in general. At certain stages the very essence of education was undermined even with the exponential growth of highly responsive emerging technologies which was binding the world seamlessly on a common connection. Education streamlines the thinking process and prepares for a common good for transitory migration across borders through employability, and building a cultured person to serve the purpose of bringing in oneness. Pre COVID proved that the existence of education is the only knowledge and not of value facts which was driving the development engine of any nation. Education, makes a society strong enough to stand for long. The educational process is a service for society and to learn – unlearn - relearn from our mistakes and transmit our knowledge to the next generation, is a progressive contribution. Eventually formal and informal education together consolidate our present and future states. With limited resources, creative learning with digital technology can circumvent bottlenecks for the peaceful existence of humans. Radically the changes have happened as never before building self-confidence and equalizing globally in the last two years, with anywhere-anytime learning process, devoid of a physical face to face and touch-feel-collective environment. We find the emerging approach to technology enabled education and customization would keep up the humanity and culture building for a safe living connected world.

Keywords: Education, classroom, digital learning, COVID, culture building

How to Cite

UMACHANDRAN, K., & SYAMSUDDIN, R. (2021). TRANSFORMATIONAL EDUCATION - A POST COVID SCENARIO. Asian Journal of Advances in Research, 4(1), 722–728. Retrieved from


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